Happy 4th of July


Psalms 33:12  

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.  

On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson. From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence.  

From the beginning of the foundation of America, men have died for our freedom. Families have had to sacrifice much for this land to continue being the land of the free. 

We are a country founded with biblical principals, as we were from the beginning and still are “ONE NATION UNDER GOD”. 

Man has had sin from the beginning of creation as satan has roamed the earth to and fro to see whom he could steal, kill, and destroy. Yes, there have been mistakes made that must have grieved our Lord Jesus Christ throughout the past 244 years. But, even if we can see sin in our country, it surely does not mean we are not a Godly nation. 

Throughout the years satan has used man to take God out of our nation. What man does not understand is this nation was formed by the Holy Spirit, and the Hand of God is over this nation, so until the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, this nation will always be “ONE NATION UNDER GOD.” 

Our country seems to be in much turmoil as we have had protests throughout our nation since May 26th 2020. A house that is divided will not stand. We must look to the heavens and take authority over the destruction that is happening throughout our nation. 

We live in the best country in the world, and yet so many have no idea how blessed they are. It does not matter if we are rich or poor, we are blessed. If we are hungry, there is a way to get food. If we are in need of shelter, there is a way to get a home, if we will accept it. Yes, we must work, but we are able to receive the blessings if we want them.  

We must be thankful and have the blindfolds taken off our spiritual eyes so we can see the blessings that surround us in this blessed country that we live in.