Lessons Learned to Strengthen Us for Future Days

In the Storm

Throughout the earth, from country to state to city to parish, the human race had been ordered to stay home unless you were deemed to be an essential worker. For the most part they obeyed the laws and stayed home.

People became creative in ways they had never thought of before. Some having drive by birthday celebrations, many learning how to work from home, and so many learning the art of becoming an educator to their youngsters. As we were all trying to keep our lives as normal as possible for our family’s sake and our peace of mind.

Many drew closer to their spouses and spent valuable time with their children as all were together for weeks upon weeks. Many had to learn how to humble themselves and accept help, which had never happened before.

Many now had time for the Lord, feeling deprived because now all were told they could not go to their house of worship. The reality was revealed that we should never take anything for granted and always be grateful for what we have.

As life starts opening up again, let us not forget all the lessons that were learned during this time of  lock-down. The Lord poured out His love and mercy upon us and provided in so many different ways.  So many realized they had missed out on so much because of the busy world they live in.

Take hold of the word of God, Remember the word and stand on it for your future. Remember not to allow fear to enter into your heart knowing the Lord will be there to lead and guide you.

Isaiah 41:10

 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

The future is unknown to the world, but the Lord knows all and will lead each of us on how to prepare according to His will in our lives. We will continue seeing prices rise and not all will have jobs to go back to. Life will never be the same as it was before, so we must be prepared in whatever level is right for us, knowing the Lord will always be there for us, just as he was for Joseph and his family in the great famine in Egypt.

Joseph was directed by the Holy Spirit, and he obeyed and all were taken care of including his own family. Think if he had decided not to listen what would have happened to all those people throughout the land. As for most people, you only need to be concerned for your own family and sometimes some friends. So make sure you do according to the direction of the Holy Spirit no matter how crazy it might seem.

Seek the Lord daily, Spend time in the word of God, and be led by the Holy Spirit. Do not allow life to take you back to the same actions before the lock-down. Spend time with the ones you love and listen to one another. Let this experience  help you to become stronger in the Lord and  wiser with life never forgetting the lessons of life that you learned.