We have now entered the new year of 2024… Happy New Year. Praying all are blessed and prosperous throughout the new year.
For months while in prayer we felt much trouble for 2024. The Lord had taken us into a time of chastisement for a period, instructing His people to prepare spiritually, financially, and emotionally.
The whirlwinds will blow from the north, south, east, and west bringing destruction. The enemy will attempt to cause fear to rise in the hearts of many as they look at the circumstances surrounding our nation.
America will not escape the attacks from those that have purposed in their hearts to destroy America. There will be those that will take advantage of the tragedies in difficult times.
The Lord had started revealing hidden sin not only in the political world but also in the church. There were those that repented, yet others that justified their actions. When repentance does not come, a day of exposure with judgment will come.
I need to stress this year will bring much stress because much trouble for many, yet many boycott others because of their walk with the Lord.
Through every stressful situation you face find a song, a few words, or a scripture of praise, as praise will bring down the presence of the Lord.
While in His presence He will provide for you. Whether it be peace, safety, money to pay the bills, He will provide.
All through the Bible we read we are to praise the Lord. We read David kept declaring, though he was surrounded by trouble he would praise God.
David lifted God up with praise as he experienced the unfailing love and mercy of God throughout his life.
The book of psalm starts and ends with praise. In the book of psalm we find David had troubles and yet spent seven times a day praising God. (Psalm 119:164)
The Bible says God inhabits, or enthrones, in the praises of His people.
“By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.”
“David made instruments to praise God. While praying Solomon experienced the presence of God come down.”
“God set ambushes against the enemy while all of Judah praised the Lord.”
Be blessed, protected, and prosperous as doors will open for those who seek the Lord, walking in righteousness throughout the year of 2024, remembering to praise the Lord daily.
Allow the Lord to use you as a light for others to call upon Jesus. As your light shines through the difficult times others will cry out to Jesus. Miracles will take place. Great revival will spread, saving many souls from the destruction of their soul.